Certified quality in everything we do


The KPE technical team monitors our fields on a daily basis, optimizing irrigation cycles and controlling crop evolution. You will have first-hand on-site information.

Adapted to market demands


Service adapted to market demands. We plant, harvest, prepare and deliver our produce with an effective response capacity. 

Our goal is to supply fresh products, at their optimal moment of ripeness and preserving all their organoleptic conditions. Our team takes care of everything.

From Seed to Customer


We control our products from seed to customer, by selecting the varieties that best suit their commercial programmes, with careful monitoring of our farms, which we choose according to their climatic and water conditions.

In this way we obtain our harvest with produce in unbeatable conditions of colour, flavour and aroma.

Enviromental Conservation and Improvement Plan

KETTLE PRODUCE ESPAÑA is aware that the future of its activity lies in the sustainability of its farms. In order to make our business enviromentally sustainable, at KPE we are committed to conserving and improving the environment, using all the necessary resources and means. With this in mind, an Enviromental Conservation and Improvement Plan has been implemented, which is based on the LEAF protocol.

Through an objetive assessment of the company´s environmental situation, and establishing the necessary work protocols and policies, work systems are designed based on IFM (Integrated Farm Management) Codes of Good Practices. 

It is our obligation to comply with the regulations laid down at all times and we are committed to going a step further anticipating future situations.

Equality commitment

KETTLE PRODUCE ESPAÑA, S.L. declares its commitment in the establishment and development of policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, without discriminating directly or indirectly on the basis of sex, as well as the implementation and promotion of measures to achieve real equality within our organization, establishing equal opportunities between women and men as a strategic principle of our Corporate and Human Resources Policy, in accordance with the definition of this principle established by Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, and Royal Decree Law 6/2019 of March 1, for effective equality between women and men.

In each and every one of the areas in which the activity of this company is carried out, from selection to promotion, through wage policy, training, working and employment conditions, occupational health, the organization of working hours and conciliation, we assume the principle of equal opportunities between women and men, with special regard to indirect discrimination, meaning "The situation in which an apparently neutral setting, criteria or practice puts a person of one sex at a particular disadvantage compared to persons of the other sex".

The principles enunciated will be put into practice through the promotion of equality measures and through the implementation of the Equality Plan approved by the company, in order to advance in the achievement of real equality between women and men in the company and by extension, in society as a whole.

Continued effort to increase our energy efficiency
